Friday, July 4, 2008

Brian Rego
"Kirkwood at Night"
20x20, oil on linen

this looks better in person -- it is hard to photograph these dark paintings...the dark actually has color in it - a blend of warm and cool darks and there is more subtlety which is easier to see in person rather than the photo. but here is the other painting for the commission -- this was pretty much a one shot.


Christopher and Rachel said...

wow b- this turned out great!!!! i love how the foreground now has some mid ground color. it really connects the spaces. i also love how you brought more detail into the foreground. helps to anchor the viewer. the light in the background reads well too. a lot of depth for a night painting. congrats!

Christopher and Rachel said...

man- i was looking at this one again and can't get over it. the temperature of the light treatment in the background is so accurate. i absolutely love this painting! wish i could see the real thing. didn't see it at your house. did it sell?

Caio Fern said...

fantastic work