Sunday, September 20, 2009

Christopher Stuart
"Shady Side of a Muggy Day"
10x10, oil/linen panel

ok, brian- so this is a painting i did while in south carolina.  it's from that day when your faculty meeting was pushed back, so you couldn't make it to paint with us.  let me first tell you that it was really muggy and the bugs were biting like crazy.  we were less than 50 yards from a gator filled swamp (which scared the crap out of me, btw).  the light that day was so bright it created a bit of a haze. i tried to capture that feeling as well as i could.  i kept this one very simple. i haven't posted this one yet as i have been going back on forth on it.  some days i love it, and others, i am tempted to paint in some more info on the left. would love to hear your thoughts.

i'm working on a 30x24. most complex painting i have ever attempted.  excited for you to see the results. it's going well so far. my goal with it is to push the abstraction as well as the specificity. i talked to you about this in sc. i'm giving it a go.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Christopher Stuart
"Brass Fish and Succulents"
8x12, oil/linen panel
Hey Brian- Here's the latest.  It was challenging to look down at a subject. Not sure that I ever did that before.  I was interested in the way light interacted with the different types of surfaces... the needles on the back cactus seemed to hold the light, while the brass fish bounced it. Give me your thoughts, bro.